The Bronx is Reading: Using Comics and Graphic Novels in the Classroom

Deimosa Webber-Bey (she/her), Queens NYC, MSEd MSLIS 

  • Teacher, Librarian, Quilter
  • Batman, Star Trek, Team Jacob
  • Native Comic Book Society (Facebook)
  • Graphic Novel & Comics Roundtable (ALA)
  • 7000 BC (NM)
  • Decloaking Wakanda, BLM Comics Reading List (BCALA)

Have you heard of the decline at 9?

  • KFRR shows that same time there is decline in frequent reading the main type of book kids like to read are comics and graphic novels
  • Remember a moment when my niece declared, “I only read graphic novels” – but she didn’t limit genre, was open to friends/family, fantasy, scifi, history, sports, bios – so that is what I gave her, now she reads everything
  • Not a problem, they are a solution, and a bridge to every genre

How to use comics and graphic novels in the classroom:

  • Hang a poster, include in library, start a comic book club, make them
    • Poster endorses them as ‘real’ literature
    • They circulate more, more effective use of collection $$$
    • Debate who would beat who, march madness, dbq’s
    • Another tool for textual analysis, creative writing, SEL
  • Emphasize reading comprehension skills in lessons beyond decoding, takes away the intimidation of pure text for striving readers
    • Reading them: Action is in the gutter: making inferences, predicting, activating prior knowledge
    • Making them: Retelling, visualizing, main idea/summary, sequencing, plotline for imaginative lit
  • Activity: 
    • Fold mini book: cover / beginning, middle, end / blurb, summarize a book
      • Stick figures, encourage simplicity, use of eyebrows/emojis for emotions
      • Dialogue vs thought bubbles vs narrator


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