
profile imageDeimosa Webber-Bey MSEd MSLIS is a member of Rochdale Quilters, Empire Quilters, and is a recent graduate of Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science. She currently works at Scholastic Inc., as the Senior Library Manager. The Runaway Quilt Project began with methods & management exercises for LIS 697 Digital Humanities during the spring of 2012 with Dr. Chris Alen Sula. The initial goal was to use digital humanities tools to explore the plethora of data that exists regarding quilting during the era of slavery, looking for interesting trends and correlations. The “Maker Unknown” quilt preserves the research completed as of May 2012. This spring the Runaway Quilt Project continued with LIS 658 Information Visualization, and the goal is evolving from simply exploring quilt data to creating a meaningful interpretation and presentation of the information aggregated. The “Maker Known” quilt preserves the data visualizations created as of April 2013 and toured for one year with the International Quilt Festival.

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